
If you are planning to visit Krakow probably you will find it useful — we have made a list of most useful links and articles related to Krakow’s shghtseeing, all in English and all free of charge!

Krakow Spotted by locals

A virtual city guide written by locals. You can find here bars & restaurants reviews, shopping tips and and lots of places loved by locals.

Krakow Travel

Official Krakow’s website hosted by City Main Hall. Here you can find all news regarding concerts, public affairs, museums and many more. It also includes useful city map.

Krakow Post

English newspaper based and dedicated to Krakow. News, Culture, Sport and even job offers if you decide to stay in Krakow longer.

Weather in Krakow

Krakow’s weather forecast — in English.

Public Transportation in Krakow

If you feel like using bus or tram in Krakow, don’t forget to check it out earlier! Website includes all routes, fares and timetables.


Website dedicated to Krakow’s nightlife, including line ups & adresses of the upcoming parties.

Of course TripAdvisor is always a great source of infos about Krakow and surroundings. If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact KrakowShuttle and we will be happy to help you!