
It started from rumors that were hard to believe in: a big white balloon over Cracow’s old town? Yeah, sure. But it became real and – willy-nilly – the part of a landscape as Wawel or Skalka Church. Willy-nilly? Rather nilly. Several British and Americans living in Cracow have united against it and launched social campaigns: Protect Krakow Heritage and Cracovians United Against the Balloon (CUAB). But if the balloon is really so awful and unacceptable?

A balloon resistance prime mover is Christopher B. Gray, American musician living in Cracow. He organize people in CUAB and started to petition the authorities demanding to penalize people responsible for allowing the controversial aircraft to be placed next to the Wisla river.

The concept of bringing them to justice is going probably too far but objectors won some serious supporters as. What can they gain by it? We’ll see in the nearest future.  In the next few days the balloon should be transfer on south bank of Wisla, close to former Hotel Forum building. If it satisfies CUAB?

But there is also the other side of the coin. CUAB doesn’t represent all Cracovians. The balloon could be perceived as a fresh and up-to-date tourist attraction in a little bit conservative city. As a balloon’s owner advertise his service: This stunning white sphere is the newest addition to Krakow’s skyline, floating above the spires of the city’s Old Town. A trip up in this magical orb will provide you with the best panoramic views of the Old Town, Kazimierz, and even districts of Krakow much further away. There’s no chance of floating away though, as this hot air balloon is firmly tethered while it floats majestically 150 metres above ground. The HiFyler balloon rises every 15 minutes on most days, but it’s best to call in advance as flights depend on weather. Without a doubt, one of Krakow’s most original attractions for adults and kids alike.

So the best way is to judge it by yourself. See details at (unfortunately only in Polish but you will get the idea).