
Fortunately or not, smoking ban began in Krakow yesterday, on 15th of November.

A lot of bars and pubs organised “Last ciggy” party to celebrate the last cigarette smoken inside the local. Starting from yesterday, all smokers who cannot imagine having a beer without Marlboro or Camel will have to go outside and -especially during the winter- get freezed. However, all people who do not smoke, finally will enjoy their nightlife without stinky clothes and red eyes.

And what about Krakow? Of course not all of nearly 500 bars will be non-smokers: some of them will provide special smoking rooms and the others are even considering to re-name for “tobacco clubs” where smoking will not be forbiden. Pub & bar owners are very concerned about a potential loss of clients-smokers who might prefer to stay at home. Results from other countries doesn’t look very optimistic: New York City saw a nine percent rise in business after the city banned smoking in bars.

Anyway, if you’re planning to come to Krakow and you’re a smoker don’t forget your scarf & hat as it might be useful during the “ciggy break”. Of course you can always ask KrakowShuttle drivers about the spots where it’s still possible to smoke and they will give you all useful tips.