
Some very interesting and important information were announced last week by press office of Krakow Airport – Balice, including really crucial news for passengers. Let’s see it.

First of all there is a new Krakow Airport Price list. Unlike it may have seem passenger fees have been lowered, not raised. Now it is 45 PLN per passenger (4 PLN less). The aircraft’s free parking time has been increased from thirty to a hundred and twenty minutes, too. Airlines should be also encouraged to open new connections with new prices which apply for the first three years of flights on the given route. Discounts would depend on the weekly frequency of flights on the route. There is also a one hundred percent reduction in the price of aircraft landings in the first three months of flying the routes. The previous prices, which carried higher prices, has been in force since December 2004.

But a passenger-friendly price list is not everything what is new on Balice. There are also two newly established connection from/to Krakow operating by our airport. A first one is to Reykjavík running by Iceland Express. The carrier will fly once a week and flights are scheduled for the entire summer season. salt dough handprint The biggest Iceland’s city is the fifteenth European capital available directly from Krakow Airport.

The second connection mentioned is to a much closer destination: Gdansk.  The JetAir airline will fly to the city where “Solidarnosc” was born five times a week.The carrier started operating on that route on the 18th of May, and on the 22nd of June it will increase its number of flights from Krakow to Gdansk. All in all, it will cover 10 connections, 5 times a week, from Monday to Friday. This timetable is suitable for both business and tourist traffic, with flights taking approximately 1,5 hour. This is the 3rd JetAir connection from Krakow, as the carrier also services Poznan and Bydgoszcz.

See details at http://www.krakowairport.pl/.